TM 10-8110-201-14&P5-8.Drum Hardware, Removal and Installation.a. Removal.(1) Remove cotter Pin (1, fig. 5-2), screw-pin (2)and shackle (3). Remove all shackles using thesame procedure.(2) Remove 10 capscrews (4) from front bearingplate (6) end remove bearing plate (6) from frontend of tank. Remove 10 capscrews (4) and removerear bearing plate.(3) Remove 21 capscrews (4) from front closurering (5) and remove closure ring. Remove 21capscrews (4) from rear closure ring (5) and removeclosure ring.(4) Refer to figure 5-5, attach a suitable liftingdevice to swivel plate, raise the drum and removeswivel plate by pounding drum from swivel platewith spark-proof sledge.(5) Repeat step (4) to remove swivel plate fromother end of drum.(6) Remove plug (8) and preformed packing (9)from rear of drum.(7) Remove cable assembly (12) from inside ofdrum body (13).b. Cleaninf and Inspection.(1) Remove all dirt and debris from drum hard.ware.(2) Inspect parts for signs of damage ordefects.(3) Replace preformed packing.(4) Replace any unserviceable parts.c. Installation.(1) Position cable assembly (12, fig. 5-2) insideof drum body (13). Lineup plats bosses with screwholes in collar.(2) Install packing (9) and plug (8) in rear ofdrum.(3) Install closure plates (11 and 10), closurering (5), swivel plates (7), and bearing plate (6) andsecure with capscrews (4).(4) Torque capscrews to 30 foot-pounds (4.15m-kg).(5) Install four shackles (3) and secure withscrew-pins (2) and cotter pins (1).Figure 5-2. Drum Hardware, removal and installation5-5
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