TM 10-8110-201-14&PUse chalk and match mark the drum,bearing plate, swivel plate and closure ringto facilitate and assure same alignmentwhen assembled. This action will preventtwisting the wire ropes.(1) Remove 10 capscrews (4) from each bearingplate (6).(2) Remove bearing plates (6) from swivel plates (7).(3) Remove 21 capscrews (4) from each closurering (5).(4) Remove closure rings.(5) Unscrew and remove the check valve assemblyadapter from front swivel plate.Use a sparkproof sledge to remove theswivel plate.(6) Attach a suitable lifting device (fig. 5-5) to theswivel plate, raise the drum and remove the drum fromthe plate by pounding drum from swivel plate.c. Repeat steps outlined in b above to remove secondswivel plate.d. Refer to figure 5-6 and insert lifting bar into one endof drum. Use a suitable lifting device and raise drum overdrain tank (fig. 5-4) and allow drum to complete training.e. Aerate drum by “tenting” over a 24-hour period.5-11.DELETED5-12. Washing Druma. Insert lifting bar (fig. 5-7) in endholes and lift drum body.b.plate mountingWater temperature must not exceed 150° F(66° C). Use small pump and flush outinterior with hose and nozzle assembly.Solution in tank can be pumped into drum.Suspend drum over wash tank and thoroughlywash interior of drum with a solution of detergent andhot water for 5 minutes (fig. 5-8). Use 5 quarts (4.7 liters)of detergent to 200 gallons (757 liters) of water. (Reducequantity to 1 quart (0.946 liters) of detergent to 40 gallons(151 liters) of water for the 55 gallon (208 liters) waterdrum.)c. Use a long-handled, stiff-bristled brush to scrubexterior of drum.d. Inspect exterior of drum thoroughly; drum must befree of all contaminants.5-13. Drying Drum After Washing.a.Hot air temperature must not exceed 150°F (65° C).Refer to figure 5-9 and, using a suitable liftingdevice, suspend the drum over the hot air stand pipe forapproximately 5 minutes. If hot air blowing equipmentis not available, hang to dry in a room at normalatmospheric conditions.NOTEWater in depressions can be located byfeeling the exterior of the drum. Wherewater has settled the drum exterior will beslightly cooler to the touch.b. Insert 1/2 inch (1.3 cm) L-shaped copper tubing indepressions to siphon out water. The internal airpressure will cause the water to flow through the tube.c. Inspect interior of drum. Make certain that allcontaminants have been cleaned out. Check for innerlining separation.d. Inspect exterior of drum and mark areas requiringrepair.5 - 7
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