k. Pry the thrust plates (5 or 11) from the shaft end cover (1 3), port end cover (4), or bearing carrier (9) with a
screwdriver or similar tool. Avoid distorting the thrust plates. Visually inspect thrust plates for wear or damage.
Replace if necessary. Remove and discard all rubber pocket seals (14) and gasket seals (15).
l. Examine all roller bearings (16) for scoring, spalling, or pitting. If replacement is necessary, remove the
bearings with a bearing puller.
m. It is generally advisable to replace ring seals (17) when rebuilding unit. To replace, remove the drive gear
bearing with a bearing puller and remove ring seal from the bottom of bearing bore.
n. Place the shaft end cover (13) in a vise with the mounting face up. Remove the bearing snap ring (18) with a
small screwdriver or awl.
o. Use a bearing puller to remove the outboard bearing (19).
p. Grip the shaft end cover (13) in a vise with the mounting face down. Remove double lip seal (20) by inserting
the special seal removal tool (see figure 7-2) into the notch between the double lip seal and the shaft end cover.
Tap the seal out and discard.
7-1.4 Inspection
7-1.4.1 Gear Housings (6 and 10).
a. Wear in excess of .005" cut-out necessitates replacement of the gear housing.
b. Place a straight-edge across bore. If you can slip a .005" feeler gage under the straight-edge in the cut-out
area, replace the gear housing.
c. Pressure pushes the gears against the housing on the low pressure side. As the hubs and bearings wear, the
cut-out becomes more pronounced. Excessive cut-out in a short period of time indicates excessive pressure or
oil contamination. If the relief valve settings are within prescribed limits, check for shock pressures or
tampering. Withdraw oil sample and check it and tank for dirt.
d. Where cut-out is moderate, .005" or less, gear housing is in good condition, and both ports are of the same size,
housing may be flopped over and reused.
7-1.4.2 Gears (7 and 12). Any wear on gear hubs detectable by touch, or in excess of .002" necessitates replacement.
Scoring, grooving, or burring of outside diameter of teeth requires replacement. Nicking, grooving, or fretting of teeth
surfaces also necessitates replacement.
7-1.4.3 Drive Shafts (8 and 12).
a. Replace if there is any wear detectable by touch in the seal areas or at the drive coupling. .002" wear is the
maximum allowable.
b. Wear in the shaft seal areas indicates oil contamination. Wear or damage to splines, keys, or keyways
necessitates replacement.