D. Input Shaft Disassembly
- Refer to Page PM2 and PM6
Remove the rear cover (Item 25) or, if so equipped,
the PTO assembly.
Remove the front seal carrier (Item 5 or 6).
Use a brass rod or aluminum bar to protect the end
of the shaft, tap threaded end enough to place the
direct drive gear (Item 22) just against the inside
back wall of the transfer case housing. Slide the
underdrive pinion gear (Item 19) toward the front of
the case. This will expose the split retaining ring
(Item 20 See Fig. 5). Use a drift to drive the
retaining ring from the shaft.
Fig. 5
Tap on the rear end of the shaft (See Fig. 6) and
remove the shaft and the front bearing (Item 18) at
the front of the case. Since the bearings (Item 11
and Item 24) are press fitted on the shaft, the shaft
will not "just slip out".
Items 19,10, 22, 23 and 24 can now be removed
from inside the case.
Fig. 6
E. Intermediate Shaft Removal
- Refer to Page PM2 and PM5.
Remove the capscrews from the front (Item 29) and
rear (Item 45) caps. Remove the front (speedo) cap.
Remove nut, speedo drive gear and spacer (Items
31, 32, and 33). Screw alignment tool (See Fig. 20
and 21) on to the end of the shaft. Place alignment
studs (Fig. 28) in two holes of the rear cap (Item
Drive on end of alignment tool until the rear cap is
clear of the case housing. Remove the cap
along with the outer race and roller assembly of Item
Block between the underdrive gear (Item 36) and the
rear of the case, continue driving the alignment tool
until the shaft is free of the gear and the transfer
case. Remove the gear (Item 36 with Item 35 still in
place) and the spacer ring (Item 34) from the inside
of the case.
F. Rear Output Shaft Removal
-Refer to Page PM2 and PM4
Remove the front (Item 17) and rear (Item 56 or 57)
covers. Tap the output (rear) end of the shaft with a
suitable tool. Remove bearing cup (Item 47) from
the front of the case. Block between the gear (Item
50) and the case while continuing to drive the shaft
out the front of the case.
Remove the gear, spacer ring (Item 51), bearing
cone (Item 52) from inside the case.
Remove the split ring (Item 39) from the shaft only if
it is being replaced.