TM 5-3825-229-14&P6-9. CRANKSHAFT FRONT OIL SEALTHISTASKCOVERS:a. RemovalEquipment/Materials Required:b. InstallationPipe Sealant (Item 11, Appendix E)INITIALSETUP:Equipment Conditions:Tools Required:RefConditionsNomenclature6-7Gearcase cover removedGeneral Mechanics6-8Crankshaft gear removedTool KitPersonnel Required: 1a. Removal.(1) Support gearcase cover (2) and drive or press oil seal (1) out from back side of cover.CAUTIONDo not nick or gouge crankshaft with chisel. If crankshaft is damaged it must be removed and repairedor replaced.(2) Inspect oil seal for damage and evidence of leakage.b. Installation.(1) Apply pipe sealant to crankshaft and inside of new wear seal (1) before installing.(2) Place gearcase cover (2) on solid surface so back of seal bore is supported.6-17
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