TM 5-4610-228-13
TM 08846A-13/1
The water distribution system illustrated in this technical manual show configurations for maximum storage
and distribution capacities. To increase storage and distribution capacities beyond the capabilities of one
system, additional water distribution systems may be connected to the existing system. To reduce storage
capability, turn off valves to unwanted storage tanks.
a. WDS20K Operation. The 125 GPM pump (paragraph 1-10) fills the 20,000 gallon water tank by
opening valves V2, V3, V4, and V5 and closing valve V1. To discharge water from the system, close
valves V2 and V5 and open V1, V3, and V4. The amount of water discharged through the nozzles or
hospital connection kit varies with demand up to the 125 GPM capacity of the pump. the
Hypochlorination Unit mixes a hypochloride solution with the water in the correct proportion to water
b. WDS40K Operation. The WDS40K system (paragraph 1-11) has two 125 GPM pumps and one 350
GPM pump. One 125 GPM pump fills one or two 20,000 gallon tanks by opening valves VI through V6.
The 350 GPM and remaining 125 GPM discharges water from the two tanks on demand at the rate
determined by the nozzles, discharge hoses or bag filler connections. If discharge demand is less than
the capacity of one pump, the remaining pump can be shut down and the associated pump valves closed.
The Hypochlorination Unit mixes a hypochloride solution with the water in the correct proportion to
water flow.
c. WDS300K Operation. The WDS300K system (paragraph 1-12) has two 125 GPM and three 350 GPM
water pumps. One 125 GPM and 350 GPM pump combination fills the storage tanks and the other
three pumps discharge the tanks. By filling one 20,000 gallon water tank at a time, the system can
discharge water almost immediately after setting up. One Hypochlorination Unit is connected to the
discharge side of each water pump combination unit.
d. WDS800K and WDS1,000K Operation. Operation of the WDS800K and WDS1,000K are identical to
the WDS300K system (paragraphs 1-13 and 1-14) except the WDS800K and WDS1,000K systems have
more storage capacity than the WDS300K system.
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