TM 5-4610-228-13
TM 08846A-13/1
Section II.
2-3.1 Before You Operate the Water Distribution System. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARN-
INGS. Perform your before (B) PMCS.
2-3.2 While You Operate. Always keep in mind the CAUTIONS and WARNINGS. Perform your during (D)
2-3.3 After You Operate. Be sure to perform your after (A) PMCS.
2-3.4 If Your Equipment Fails to Operate. Troubleshoot with proper equipment. Report any deficiencies us-
ing DA Form 2407, see DA PAM 738-750. Marine Corp personnel refer to MCO 4855.10 for correct reporting
2-4.1 General. The PMCS procedures are contained in table 2-1. They are arranged in logical sequence requir-
ing a minimum amount of time and motion on the part of the persons performing them.
2-4.2 Item Number Column. Checks and services are numbered in chronological order regardless of interval.
This column is used as a source of item numbers for the TM Number column on DA Form 2404, Equipment
Inspection and Maintenance Worksheet, in recording results of PMCS.
2-4.3 Internal Columns. The columns headed B, D, and A contain a dot () opposite the appropriate check.
Thus, if a given check is performed before operation, a dot is placed opposite the checks in the B column, if
the check is performed after operation, a dot is placed in the column headed A, and if the same check is made
in two or more periods, a dot is placed in each applicable column.
2-4.4 Item To Be Inspected Column. The items to be inspected are identified by a few words, usually the com-
mon name.
2-4.5 Procedures Column. This column contains a brief description of the procedure by which the check is to
be performed. It contains all the information required to accomplish the checks and services, including tolerances,
adjustment limits, and instrument and gage readings.
2-4.6 Equipment Is Not Ready/Available If: Column. This column contains the criteria which will cause the
equipment to be classified as not ready or not available because of inability to perform its primary mission.
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