Test the Cleaner/Degreaser (Item 10, Table 3-3) on a small area of the tank fabric.
Moisten the cleaning cloth (Item 9, Table 3-3) with a small amount of Cleaner/Degreaser (Item 10, Table
Rub on a small area of the tank. If a greasy film appears, skip to step g. Otherwise go to step f.
Clean entire area of tank to be patched with Cleaner/Degreaser (Item 10, Table 3-3).
Undercut fine edges of the hole with razor knife (Item 17, Table 3-3). Scuff the mating surfaces of both the
tank and patch(es) with scruffing brush (Item 2, Table 3-3). Roughened area on tank should extend
appromately 1 inch (2.5 cm) on all sides beyond the surface where the patch(es) will be installed.
Brush away loose contamination and degrease again if needed.
One can of Surface Conditioner should cover approximately 6.5 sq. ft. (0.63 sq. meters).
All mixing and application tools should be cleaned immediately after use with Cleaner/Degreaser.
Immediately brush a thin, even coat of Surface Conditioner (Item 3, Table 3-3) onto the area of tank to be
patched. Use the brush (Item 8, Table 3-3) as a stipple to ensure the thinnest possible film.
The touch dry time will be dependent on the ambient temperature and relative humidity. The touch dry
time at 68°F (20°C) and 50% relative humidity will be 20 to 30 minutes. Overcoating of Surface
Conditioner with Fluid Elastomer (adhesive) must take place within 4 hours.
Let Surface Conditioner (Item 8, Table 3-3) set until touch dry before overcoating with mixed Fluid Elastomer
(adhesive). Test by lightly touching one knuckle down into Surface Conditioner. Lift slowly. If no conditioner
is left on knuckle, it is dry. If a second (outside) patch is to be applied, repeat steps g through j for outside of
tank before going onto step k.
Both the Base and Solidifier components of the Fluid Elastomer must remain sealed until just before
application. For best results do not apply the mixed adhesive under the following conditions:
When the temperature is below 41 °F (50C)
When the relative humidity is above 90%
During rain, snow, fog, or mist
When there is moisture on the tank surface or moisture is likely to condense on the tank before the
Adhesive cures.
When the working environment is likely to be contaminated by oil or grease from adjacent equipment or
smoke from kerosene heaters or tobacco smoking.
3-6.3/(3-6.4 blank)
Change 5