Filler/Discharge Assembly
Adaptor - 4" (9) (Fig. C-2)
(1) Remove the adaptor (9) from the gate valve (5).
(2) Clean the adaptor using a mild soap and water solution with a
stiff bristle brush, remove any foreign matter.
(3) Clean all sealing surfaces and threads.
(4) Inspect for cracks, dents, breaks or wear. Replace if
Pressure Gaqe (7)
(1) Remove the pressure gage (7) from the gate valve(s) flow
(2) Check the gage by blowing on the connecting nipple. Average
lung pressure will show 2-2½ PSI reading on the gage.
(3) Inspect for bent indicator or broken face plate. Replace if
Gate Valve - 4" (5) (Fig. C-2)
(1) Remove the gate valve from the tank by removing the four bolts
(12 Fig. C-1 or Fig. C-1A) from the top and bottom pipe clamps
(1 and 2, Fig. C-2).
(2) Remove the adjacent top and bottom clamps (5 and 6, Fig. C-1 or
Fig. C-1A) if necessary.
(3) Remove the valve from the tank.
(4) Remove the inside flange (3, Fig. C-2) from the gate valve
(5) Remove the two rubber adaptors.
(6) Clean all parts using a mild soap and water solution with a
stiff bristle brush.
Remove any foreign matter from the
(7) Inspect all parts for cracks, dents, breaks or wear. Replace
if unserviceable.
(8) Reassemble in reverse order of disassembly.
NOTE: Moisten inside of rubber adapter (4, Fig. C-2) for ease
of assembly.
Change 4