a .
b .
c .
d .
(1) Inspect each of the top clamps (3, 5, and 13, Fig. C-1 or
Fig. C-1A) for burrs,
sharp edges and cracks.
(2) Inspect each of the bottom clamps (4, 6, and 14, Fig. C-1
or Fig. C-1A) for burrs,
sharp edges, cracks and damaged
(3) Check handles (10, Fig. C-1 or Fig. C-1A) for burrs, sharp
edges and cracks.
(4) Check all cap screws for proper torque of 70 ± 5 ft. lbs.
Repair any damage to the end clamp assembly by removing and
repairing only one assembly at a time.
T h e r i g h t a n d l e f t , t op
and bottom end clamps and handles must remain in the original
l o c a t i o n.
Replacement of individual Clamp Assembly (Fig. C-1 or Fig. C-1A)
(1) Remove the cap screw (12) and flat washer (11) from the top
(5) and bottom (6) clamp assembly.
(2) Remove the assembly from the tank.
(3) Remove all burrs and sharp edges from the clamps.
(4) If the clamps are cracked or the bottom clamp threads are
damaged, replace.
(5) Place the top (3, 5 and 13) and bottom (4, 6 and 14)
clamps on the tank.
(6) Place the ½-13 (12) hex head cap screw thru the flat washer
(11), top clamps (3, 5 and 13) and thread it into the bot-
tom clamps (4, 6 and 14).
( 7 ) T o r q u e t o 7 0 ± 5 f t . l b s .
Replace Handle Grip Assemblies (Fig. C-1 or Fig. C-1A_)
(1) Remove the three cap screws (12) and flat washers (11) from
the handle assemblies.The handle assembly consists of one
handle (10) and three bottom clamps (6).
(2) Remove the handle (10) and bottom clamps (6) from the tank.
(3) Remove all burrs and sharp edges from the handle and clamps.
(4) If the handle is cracked or the bottom clamp is cracked or
contains damaged threads, replace.
Change 4