LINEAR VIBRATION CONTROLTESTING AND ADJUSTINGSUBJECT:Linear Vibration Control -- Engines With Single-Bearing GeneratorsBUSINESS:Building Services, Marine/Petroleum, Material HandlingPRODUCT/APPLICATION:3408 Engines With Single-Bearing Generators, Generator SetsThis Engine Data Sheet supplements the information in EDS 73.1.1. Information that follows relates only to later 3408PC-TA Engines driving single-bearing generators.We no longer recommend the use of piloted shaft,single-bearing generators on 3408 PC-TA Generator SetEngines. Effective with the 3408 Generator Set Engine,Serial No. 67U1099, a 7N6395 flywheel assembly isinstalled which requires use of piloted drive plates.Although the close tolerance shaft pilot continues on the5N39, 5N40, 5N41, and 5N42 generators, it is not usedfor alignment during assembly. Instead, the accuratelymachined drive (coupling) plates function as the initialalignment device. This drive arrangement can beapplied to any 3408 PC-TA Generator Set Engineequipped with a 7N6395 flywheel assembly.FIGURE 17N6395 FLYWHEEL ASSEMBLYA 7N6395 flywheel assembly is readily identified byabsence of the usual finished shaft pilot hole at thecenter and presence of the deep pilot bore (18.379 18.377 in. [466.83 mm to 466.78 mm]) at the outerdiameter. See Figure 1. A 5N2030 coupling plateassembly from a 5N2021 coupling group properly alignsthe generator rotor to the flywheel. The 5N2030coupling plate assembly is machined to an outsidediameter of 18.374 in. to 18.372 in. (466.69 mm to466.65 mm). Do not attempt to use the 2N7025 couplingplate assembly from a 5N1628 coupling group. The2N7025 plate assembly has an outside diameter of18.365 in. (466.47 mm) and will not correctly align-agenerator with the flywheel.FIGURE 4116
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