LINEAR VIBRATION CONTROLTESTING AND ADJUSTINGFigure 2 shows the assembly of a 5N39, 5N40, 5N41, or5N42 generator to a 3408 PC-TA Engine having a7N6395 flywheel assembly. Note that the fan of theselater generators has a long pilot diameter fitted into theflywheel pilot bore. Balance weights are added to theflywheel when driving single-bearing generators.FIGURE 2Necessary dimensions for coupling other manufacturers'generators are given in Figure 3. The required balanceweight assembly for various generator rotors is in ChartG. Dimensions for local fabrication of the weights areFigure 5. Weights are assembled ontheouterdiameterof the flywheel directly opposite the flywheel balanceweight (pressed-in dowel). See Figures 1 and 4.FIGURE 3117
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