The intervals listed are general in their application. The operator should compare the maintenance schedule for his
particular engine with the schedule established by the manufacturer of his boat and should always adopt the shorter
interval. Also, the maintenance intervals should be reduced to conform with any exceptional operating condition. such as
continuous sustained high speeds or temperatures.
An operator usually is familiar with the water he is operating in, therefore, checking the weed trap (at the water intake) at
appropriate intervals is left to his discretion.
The zinc pencil (anode) in the heat exchanger will need replacing periodically in accordance with the operating conditions
of the boat and engine. Refer to the engine photographs for the respective location (not applicable to 4.154 (M) and
V8.510/TV8. 510 (M) engines).
The thermostat, in carrying out its function of controlling temperature can, contrary to general thoughts on the method of
its operation, open and close numerous times during each hour of engine operation. In so doing, like any other type of
mechanical device, it may not maintain its efficiency indefinitely. Therefore, it is recommended that it be replaced after
each two years of operation or more frequently if there are indications that it is not functioning correctly.
Fig. 6(a) Tightening Sequences for Cylinder Head Nuts and/or Setscrews
6.354 (M), T6,354 (M), HT6.354 (M), T6.354 MGT
Fig. 6(b) Tightening Sequence for Cylinder Head Nuts and/or Setscrews
V8.510/TV8.510 (M)
(Applicable To Both Banks.)