Timing Case and Drive
To Remove the Timing Case Cover
Slacken the dynamo/alternator mounting bolts,
release the adjusting arm and ease the driving
belt from the pulleys.
Remove the four setscrews which secure the
power take-off shaft to the crankshaft pulley
front face and remove the power take-off shaft.
exchanger support bracket which are mounted
on the face of the timing cover.
Remove the crankshaft pulley retaining setscrew
and washer, and withdraw the pulley. Remove
the setscrews and nuts which secure the timing
case cover to the timing case. Withdraw the
timing case cover taking care not to damage the
crankshaft front oil seal which is located in the
To Renew the Crankshaft Front Oil Seal
Using a suitable dolly and press, remove the oil
seal from the timing case cover.
Locate the new seal in the bore of the cover
from the front.
Press the new seal into position until the front
face of the heal is 1 in (6.35 mm) below the front
face of the cover.
The seal is designed to function correctly with
the direction of rotation of the engine and for
identification purposes, the seal is marked with
an arrow.
Earlier engines were fitted with a black nitrile
seal and a crankshaft oil thrower.
Current engines have a red silicone seal and
,the oil thrower is replaced with a distance piece.
Under no circumstances should the latest red
seal be fitted with an oil thrower.
Tachometer Drive
The tachometer angle drive mounted on the timing
case front cover should be greased with a high melting
point grease in accordance with Preventive Maintenance
given on Page C.3.
Grease starvation of the angle drive gears can result
in overloading and subsequent failure, but overloading is
more frequently caused by the flexible drive itself due to
its corrosion resulting from the drive cable lying in bilge
water or being allowed to arc on battery terminals etc.
No bend in the flexible drive should be less than one foot
Fig. K.1.
Showing markings for correct positioning of Crankshaft
Pulley in relation to Crankshaft.
With earlier engines. failure of the angle drive could
result in fragments of the drive tag falling into the timing
gear train and as a protective measure, a sleeve shield
was introduced around the tachometer drive shaft and
tag. It would be of advantage to introduce this safety
shield on early engines whenever it becomes necessary
to remove the timing case cover.
To Refit the Timing Case Cover
Thoroughly clean the faces of the timing case
front cover and timing case.
Position the timing case cover on the timing
case by means of two opposite setscrews fitted
loosely. Centralise the cover by locating the
centralising tool PD.162 on the crankshaft and in
the seal housing and tighten the assembly by
means of the crankshaft pulley setscrew and
washer do not overtighten.
Tighten all the timing case cover setscrews and
remove the tool. If the centralising tool is not
available, the crankshaft pulley can be used to
centralise the cover but, as this method utilizes
the inside diameter of the seal and the latest
seal is soft, the cover may not be truly central
and leaks may occur.