Remove the valves from the upper body half by
carefully levering from their locations. Remove
the valve gaskets from the bottom of the
diaphragm by unscrewing and removing the
cover retaining screw.
Inspection of Parts
Thoroughly wash all parts in cleaning fluid.
Check the diaphragm for hardening or cracking
and examine the pull rod for wear at the point
where it connects with the rocker lever link.
Renew the diaphragm and pull rod assembly if
any of these signs are evident.
The diaphragm spring should be renewed if it is
corroded or distorted. Ensure that if renewing
the spring, the new spring has the same (green)
colour identification.
The valves should be renewed unless in perfect
condition. The two valves are identical and may
be used for inlet or outlet (See Fig. N.5). It is
advisable to renew the valve gaskets after
Examine the rocker, arm, link, spring and pin for
wear. If appreciable wear is evident new parts
must be fitted.
Check the pulsator diaphragm for condition and
renew if necessary.
Replace all gaskets and washers as routine
Examine the flanges of the two pump halves for
distortion. If distorted lightly linish to restore
To Re-Assemble the Pump
Place the new valve gaskets in position in the
valve recesses and fit the valves to the body.
The inlet valve must be fitted so that the valve
can open to admit fuel, i.e., the spring must
protrude into pump chamber towards the
diaphragm. The outlet valve must be fitted in
the reverse position to the inlet valve, so that it
allows flow of fuel out of the pump. To retain the
valves in the casting, replace retaining plate or
stake the casing in six places with a suitable
Place the pulsator diaphragm in the pulsator
cover and secure on the upper casting with the
washer and screw.
Insert the rocker arm pin through its hole in the
body, at the same time engaging the link and the
rocker arm. During this operation ensure that
the rocker arm spring is located properly in the
pump body. Tap the rocker arm pin in until it is
flush with the pump body. Stake the casting in
three places each side to retain the pin.
Place the diaphragm spring in position in the
pump body.
Place the diaphragm assembly over the spring,
the pull rod being downwards, and centre the
upper end of the spring in the lower diaphragm
protector washer.
Press downward on the diaphragm and make
sure that the downward tag on the lower
diaphragm protecting washer is on the priming
lever side of the body. This tag is required to be
in the hole of the body ready for fitment of the
priming lever. Engage the diaphragm pull rod
with the link and at the same time permit the
matching up of the holes in the diaphragm with
those on the pump body flanges.
Push the rocker arm towards the pump until the
diaphragm is level with the body flange. Place
the upper half of the pump into its proper
position as shown by the file mark on the flanges
made prior to dismantling. Install the cover
screws and washers and tighten only until the
heads of the screws just engage the washer.
Release the rocker arm and push on the spaded
end of the rod so as to hold the diaphragm at the
top of the stroke, and while so held tighten the
securing screws diagonally and squarely.
NOTE: After assembling in the manner
described, the edges of the diaphragm
should be about flush with its two clamping
flanges. Any appreciable protrusion of the
diaphragm indicates incorrect fitting in
which case especial care should be paid to
maintaining pressure on the pull rod while
the diaphragm screws are finally tightened.
Fit primer to side of body and retain with the pin.
Clip on priming lever spring.
Test the fuel lift pump to ensure that it is working