A high grade precision machined shaft carries the rotor assembly which comprises the generator rotating field system,
incorporating a fully interconnected damper winding, the exciter rotor/rotating rectifier system and cooling fan. The rotor
is mechanically wedged and supported on the end winding to allow an overspeed of up to 2250 rev/min. On completion
the whole rotor assembly, is dynamically balanced to within precision limits to ensure vibration-free running. The
photograph below shows the complete assembly.
Typical 4 Pole Rotor
The rotor is supported by liberally rated, sealed for life ball bearings.,
Depending on output and frame size the exciter can be mounted internally or externally to the N.D.E. bearing.
The A.V.R. is mounted from the front panel (D.E.) of the terminal box.
Removable access covers are provided at the D.E. and N.D.E. of the machine. Both side panels and top panel are
removable on the terminal box to provide easy access to the output terminals and other ancillary equipment.