TM 9-2330-267-14&P4-36. BLEEDING HYDRAULIC BRAKE SYSTEM.This Task Covers:a.Manual Bleedingb.Pressure Feed Filler BleedingInitial Setup:Equipment Conditions:Materials/Parts:s Trailer connected to towing vehicle.l Master cylinder serviced (para 4-33).l Brake fluid (Item 3, Appendix E)s Dry cleaning solvent (Item 9, Appendix E)Tools/Test Equipment:l Rags (Item 18, Appendix E)s General mechanic’s tool kitl Plastic tubec Pressure bleederl One quart (0.951) containerPersonnel Required: Twoa.MANUAL BLEEDINGWARNINGDry cleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and flammable. Always wear protective gogglesand gloves, and use only in a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, andclothes, and DO NOT breathe vapors. DO NOT use near open flame or excessiveheat. The solvent’s flash point is 100°F-138°F (38°C-59°C). If you become dizzywhile using cleaning solvent, immediately get fresh air and medical help. If solventcontacts eyes, immediately wash your eyes and get medical aid.NOTE. Ensure that fluid level in master cylinder Is within ½ in. (13 mm) from top of mastercylinder at all times during task to avoid allowing air to enter hydraulic brake system.l Plastic tube should be approximately 18 in. (46 cm) long.1.Clean bleeder valve (1), using dry cleaningsolvent and rag.2.Attach plastic tube (3) to bleeder valve (1) andplace other end of plastic tube in jar (2).3.Add 1 in. (2.5 cm) of brake fluid to jar (2).4.Open bleeder valve (1) by turning ¾ turn counter-clockwise. Have assistant depress brake pedaluntil air bubbles no longer appear in jar (2).5.Close bleeder valve (1) and release brake pedal.TA5070304-64
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