TM 10-4610-243-13
Detailed decontamination procedures can be found in: FM 3-3, FM 3-4, and FM 3-5.
General. The following emergency procedures can be performed until field NBC DECON facilities are
available. Assigned operators will assist the supporting NBC unit.
Emergency Procedures. If NBC attack is known or suspected, mask at once and:
Stop dispensing water.
Reduce the risk of introducing contamination into the water system by shutting down 350 gpm pumps
and 125 gpm pumps. Refer to the applicable TMs.
Shut down hypochlorination units (refer to the applicable TM). Hypochlorite solution container is not air
tight and may have been contaminated.
Do not connect or disconnect any components from the water system. System integrity must be
maintained until decontamination of equipment is complete.
Test water for contamination using the NBC kit and provide a water sample to medical personnel before
resuming operation.
2-97/(2-98 Blank)