b. Unpacking One 50,000 Gallon Water Tank or Two 20,000 Gallon Water Tanks From the WTSC. To re-
move one 50,000 gallon water storage tank or two 20,000 gallon water tanks from the WTSC, refer to the following steps
and to Figure 2-4.
Unpacking of one 50,000 gallon water tank from WTSC is shown. Unpacking of two
20,000 tanks is similar.
Unfasten eight latches (1).
Serious injury could occur if heavy equipment is moved/lifted without sufficient person-
nel to do the job. Wear safety shoes, gloves, and other suitable protective clothing. Do
not attempt to lift more than 50 pounds by yourself.
Lift top cover assembly (2) from WTSC.
(3) Move four turnlock handles (3) to OPEN position and remove end panel (4) from WTSC. Repeat for other
end panel.
Serious injury could occur if heavy equipment is moved/lifted without sufficient person-
nel to do the job. Wear safety shoes, gloves, and other suitable protective clothing. Do
not attempt to lift more than 50 pounds by yourself.
Unlatch four locking pins (5) and lift side panel (6) from skid (7).
Remove accessory components from WTSC.
Lift divider pan (8) from skid (7).
Unfasten two tie-down straps (9 and (10).
Serious injury could occur if improper lifting equipment is to move heavy objects.
Be sure that the lifting device is capable of lifting at least 750 pounds.
Contact unit maintenance for assistance in unpacking water storage tank(s) from
the WTSC
Connect ends of two hoisting straps (11) to hoist, crane, or similar type equipment.
Lift water tank(s) (12) from skid (7).
Repeat steps (8) and (9) for other water tank, if required.