The EL-1300 compressor (Figure 1) has a rated dis-
placement of .36 cubic meters per minute (12.9 cubic
feet per minute) at 1250 rpm. The EL-1600 compressor
has a rated displacement of .46 cubic meters per minute
(16.1 cubic feet per m inute) at 1250 rpm. The EL-1600
is basically the same as the EL-1300 except the EL-1600
has a longer stroke. Both units are two cylinder re-
ciprocating type compressors.
The crankshaft main bearings of the base mount com-
pressors are ball bearing type, front and rear (Figure 2).
Some flange-mounted compressors may have sleeve
type main bearings either front or rear. Connecting rod
bearings are replaceable insert type. Each piston has
two compression rings in each of the two ring grooves
above the piston pin, with two oil rails and one expander
ring below the piston pin. Snap rings are used to retain
the pin in the piston.
Figure 1 - EL-1300 Model Air Compressor
Figure 2 - Cutaway View of Air Compressor
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