11. Temporarily Install the rear output shaft front cover
(See Fig. 17). Do not install shims. Tighten the
mounting bolts to approximately 25 lb. ft. torque.
Measure the gap between the rear output shaft front
cover and the case housing with feeler gauges. Add
. 010 to this figure and then select a shim pack that
is equal to this calculated figure or up to . 005 larger.
Install shim pack, Permatex threads of retaining bolts
and tighten to the specified torque.
Fig. 17
Fig. 18
12. Check rear output shaft end float between shaft and
housing. End float should be between .010 and 015
inches (See Fig. 18).
Installation of the Intermediate Shaft
Refer to Page PM2 and Page PM5
Install the double row ball bearing In the housing
bore opposite the large opening at the rear of the
case. Retain the bearing with a bolt and washers as
shown in Fig. 8.
Insert the alignment tool (866 271) which is shown in
the accompanying sketch, Fig. 20, through the
bearing with the tapped end toward the center of the
case (See Fig. 21).
Fig. 19
Fig. 20
Fig. 21