Remove the brushes (15) and brush springs (14)
from the brush holders and thrust washer (17) from the
commutator end frame bushing bore. Keep brushes
clean and free of grease and oil at all times.
Remove armature (18) and drive end housing
(3). See Fig. 10.
The field coils, armature, and brushes may be
wiped with a clean, dry cloth. Compressed air may be
used if available.
Bushing equipped parts must not be immersed
in the cleaning fluid. These parts should be cleaned with
a brush dipped in a good grade of mineral spirits, making
certain that none contacts the bushings. The parking
cam, parking switch assembly, and gear and shaft
assembly may be cleaned in a good grade of mineral
spirits. Be certain the mineral spirits do not contact the
resistor on the parking switch.
Thoroughly dry all parts that have been washed.
Inspect the armature for damage to worm gear,
overheated windings, condition of soldered connections
and commutator. If necessary, dress commutator with
number 7/0 sandpaper. Be certain that the commutator
slots are clean.
Check brushes for wear. Replace any brush that
is worn down to 5/16", as measured on the short side of
the brush, or that has come in contact with grease or oil.
When replacing brushes, make certain that solder is not
allowed to run up the brush shunt. Check for faulty or
annealed brush springs. Inspect thrust washer for wear.
Check commutator end frame for worn bushing
(should swivel slightly in its holder), damaged brush
holders or brush holder insulation plate .
Inspect drive end housing for worn armature
shaft bushing (should swivel slightly in its holder), worn
drive gear shaft bushing, and damaged or worn set
screw. Check parking switch assembly for loose
connections, cracked, or damaged plate, loose parking
stud, damaged resistor and dirty or misaligned contact
points (align top of contact point spring flush with or
slightly below top of contact bracket).
Inspect drive gear and shaft assembly for
damaged or worn gear teeth, damaged threads on shaft
or gear loose on shaft.
Check motor housing assembly for loose pole
shoe fastening screws, loose pole shoes, damaged field
coil insulation, worn or frayed coil leads and loose
ground connection.
Inspect and replace all worn linkage parts and
spring clips. Check for worn "D" hole in crank arm. Use
a new drive end cover gasket in reassembling the unit.
Test armature for being grounded or having an
open or short circuit. Test commutator end frame for
leakage between insulated brush holder and ground (use
a 110-volt A.C. test lamp).
Testmotor housing assembly for continuity in coil
leads or an open circuit in field coils. Test field coil
resistance by measuring ampere draw. Connect power
supply between yellow coil lead and housing. See "Field
Coil Draw" under "Specifications." Test parking switch
assembly for continuity between cable terminal s.
If coil leads were unsoldered from terminals on p
a r kin g switch during disassembly, thread the leads
through the hole in the drive end housing (3). Resolder
reassembled) to parking switch terminal to which both
the resistor and contact point spring are connected. The
yellow lead should be soldered to the terminal at the
opposite end of the resistor.
Position drive end housing (3) on motor housing
(12). Insert armature (18), worm gear end first, into
motor housing (12). Insert thrust washer (17) into
commutator end frame bushing bore. Both nylon and
metal thrust washers should be assembled with the
metal disc at the bottom of the bore.
Install brush springs (14) and brushes (15) into
brush holders (refer to "Disassembly" procedure for
method of holding brushes in holders).Brushes must
move freely in brush holders.
If the coil lead has been unsoldered, resolder it
commutator end frame (16) to the motor housing (12).
Insert thru bolts (13). Tighten thru bolts to a torque of
18-22 in. lbs. Be certain that the armature retains some
end play as bolts are tightened. If necessary, back out
the set screw (4) to retain this end play (see
"Specifications" for proper end play). After adjusting the
end play, be certain that the set screw is restaked in
place through the staking hold located above the lower
left hand fastening screw hole. Recheck the armature
end play to be sure it is within specifications.
CTS-4056-Chapter II
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