WHEELS, RIMS AND TIRESRIM, WHEELS AND TIRESGENERALThe Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)has established rules and regulations pertaining to servicingMulti-Piece Rim Wheels.The text herein refers to selected excerpts from the OSHAstandard. For complete details, refer to the complete OSHAstandard 1910.177 to ensure compliance.Basically, the regulations state that it is up to the employer toprovide employee training to instruct all employees whoservice multi-piece rims in the safety hazards involved andsafety procedures to be followed.The employer shall see that no employee services multi-pieceor single piece rim wheels unless trained, and demonstratesand maintains the ability to service multi-piece rim wheelssafely.This shall include the following tasks:1.Demounting of tires which includes deflation.2.Inspection of components.3.Mounting of tires which includes Inflator with re-straining device.4.Use of restraining device.5.Handling of wheels.6.Inflation of tires when a wheel is mounted on thevehicle.7.An understanding of the necessity of standing out-side the trajectory both during inflation of the tire andduring inspection of the rim wheel following inflation.8. Installation and removal of wheels.OSHA also states the type of tire servicing equipment to beused.1.Restraining device (inflation cage).2.Clip-on-chuck with enough hose to permit employeesto stand clear of potential trajectory of wheelcomponents. An in-line valve with gauge or pressureregulator preset to a desired value must also beprovided.3.Current charts must also be posted in service area.4.Current rim manual containing instructions for typesof rims being serviced shall be available in servicearea.5.The employer must assure that only toolsrecommended in the rim manual are used to servicemulti- piece rim wheels.WALL CHARTSNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) hasprepared two charts which are to be posted in the rim wheelservice area. These charts alert service personnel of thehazards involved when working with multi-piece wheels.One chart is called ’Safety Chart" which illustrates the propersafety precautions to be followed when servicing truck and busmulti-piece wheels.The second chart is called ’Matching Chart" which provides theguidance of various wheel makes and components which canbe safely interchanged.These charts are available to all persons who service multi-piece wheels as follows:Individuals who service such wheels may obtain a single copyof each chart, without cost, by writing to the General ServicesDivision/Distribution, National High- way Traffic SafetyAdministration, 400 Seventh Street, S.W. Washington, D.C.20590.Establishments and other organizations desiring these chartsmay order same in any quantity desired from theSuperintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office(GPO) Washington, D.C. 20402 at a cost established by theGPO.The GPO ordering number for charts are:Safety Chart #050-003-0315-8Matching Chart #050-003-00316-6CARE AND MAINTENANCEWheel rims should be periodically inspected both on thevehicle and during tire changes for cracks, loose wheel studs,worn mounting holes or being bent.Disc wheels (Figures 2 and 9) have rims which are integralwith the wheel itself; the important thing to note is that thewheel stud nuts must be kept tight. This means they shouldbe inspected and tightened at regular intervals. Whenchecking the mounting studs and nuts on dual disc wheels(Figure 35), the outer nut should be backed off beforeattempting to tighten the inner nut. Try all cap nuts after thefirst trip or any wheel change. When properly installed, theyshould remain tight indefinitely.Cast spoke wheels (Figures 1 and 6) have rims that aredemountable with the tire; the rim clamp nuts should also bekept tight. Rim and tire to wheel alignment should be checkedfrequently to make sure the tire Is running true. Some left-hand thread nuts can be identified by the small groovemachined around the flats. Left-hand studs can be identifiedby the letter "L" stamped on the head. Use left-hand nuts onthe left side of the truck.CTS-4148APage 18
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