WHEELS, RIMS AND TIRESOIL LUBRICATEDSpecial attention must be given to the type of lubricantused on front and rear axle wheel bearings, sincedifferent type of lubricants will be used.Front Axles1.Prelubricate bearings by applying a light coatingof recommended lube to bearings.2.To be assured that the grease cap is uniformlyseated, tighten cap bolts alternately in acrisscross pattern to 16-20 N•m (12-15 ft. lbs.).3.After grease cap has been installed andbearings adjusted, oil level is to be from oil levelline to 9.525 mm (3/8") above line.IMPORTANTApply sealant to threaded typeplug. Insure that rubber plug is seated. Wipeexcess lubricant from bearing cap which couldappear as a leaking cap after vehicle operation.4.A light coating of grease may be applied tobearing cone and matching surface of cup topromote cone to cup adhesion to facilitateassembly.Rear Drive Axles1.Prelubricate bearings by applying a light coatingof recommended lube to bearings.2.Fill wheel or hub cavity with differential lubricantto level of largest bearing cup.3.Apply a very light coat of lube to lip of oil sealwith exposed lip.4.Check differential for proper lubricant level.IMPORTANTTo assure good sealing whenInstalling axle shaft (Fig. 34), observe thefollowing precautions.1.Both mating surfaces must be free of nicks orburrs.2.Both mating surfaces must be clean and drybefore Installing either an acetate gasket orLoctite Gasket Eliminator.3.When Installing axle shafts, tighten flangemounting nuts evenly to specified torque.4.Wipe excess lubricant from axle flange sincelube could appear as a leak after operation.Figure 34.Special Instructions for Rear Rear Axle or Tag TandemAxles, Rear Axle Models RA 429, 430, 431, 432 and 437.To be sure that the grease cap is seated properly,tighten grease cap bolts alternately in a crisscross patterto 16-20 N•m (12-15 ft. lbs.).Fill tag axle wheel ends with gear lubricant. Axles withaxle shaft ends used as hub caps, fill through holeprovided until oil runs out when hole is positioned at 4 to5 or 7 to 8 o'clock.Axles which have visual oil level hub caps, fill throughprovided hole to oil level line on hub cap.IMPORTANT Apply sealant to threaded type. Insure thatrubber plug Is seated. Wipe excess lubricant frombearing cap which could appear as a leaking cap afteroperation.CTS-4148APage 15
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