WHEELS, RIMS AND TIRESCAUSECORRECTIONGREASE CAP (Cont’d.)Cracked HousingGrease cap can be damaged by mishandling or improper tighteningof cap bolts. Replace cap if cracked. Tighten cap bolts alternatelyin a crisscross pattern to 16-20 N•m (12-15 ft. lbs.).Sight Glass Cracked or BrokenSight glass can be damaged through abuse in handling cap orobject striking it. Replace bearing cap or window kit.Gasket Leaking at Hub or WheelMounting FaceTighten bolts to 16-20 N•m (12-15 ft. lbs.) alternately in a criss-cross pattern. Use proper length bolts and lockwashers. Replacegasket.Sight Glass Gasket LeakingReplace sight glass kit or cap assembly.Rubber Vent Plug Not SeatedAfter filling with lubricant be sure that the rubber vent plug is seatedin cap window. Early Stemco vent plug (with molded part number)are easily misinstalled. Later type vent plugs without part numberdo not have this tendency.Threaded Filler Plug Leaking LubricantApply thread sealant to threaded plug. Tighten plug.WHEELS AND BEARINGSWheel Hub Bore Has Burrs, Rustor NicksHub must be smooth and free of excessive rough finish which couldscratch outside diameter of seal. Clean up if possible or replacehub.Hub Bore DiameterSeal should be press fit. Check for correct application of seal.Porous or Cracked HubLeakage which would appear at the hub (not at bearing cap or axleflange) is an indication of a possible crack or porous openingallowing lube leakage. To correct this condition a new hub must beinstalled.Loose Wheel Bearing AdjustmentLoose wheel bearing adjustment will permit side movement of sealand cause abnormal wear or shaft to bore misalignment. Oilpumping past seal will result. Set and maintain proper wheelbearing adjustment. Adjusting wheel bearings too tight can causeearly bearing failure.AXLE HOUSING AND SPINDLESpindle or Axle Housing Has Burrsor NicksRemove all burrs and nicks. Correct rough finish. Do not use chiselto remove wiper ring (wear sleeve).Leakage at Axle Shaft FlangeMissing or fractured axle gasket or lack of sealing compound.Replace gasket or apply silastic sealing compound.Cosmolene on Spindle or Axle HousingThoroughly clean all cosmolene from sealing surfaces and bearingshoulder.Axle Breather InoperativeExcessive lube pressure could cause wheel seal leakage. Clean orreplace breather.CTS-4148APage 17
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