WHEELS, RIMS AND TIRESThere is an etching or pitting on contact surfaces of cup,cone or rollers (Figure 30).Figure 30.There is any spalling or flaking on either the bearing cupand/or cone surfaces (Figure 31).Figure 31.LUBRICATIONWheel bearings will either be grease or oil lubricated.Refer to the LUBRICATION Section for type of lubricantto use.Always use a wheel dolly to place wheel(s) on spindle oraxle tube. Care must be taken so that the seal is notdamaged, especially when positioned over the end of thespindle or axle (Figure 32).Figure 32.GREASE LUBRICATED1.Pressure lubricate inner and outer bearingassemblies, so that grease is forced between thecone and cage until grease is expelled betweenthe cage and rollers (Figure 33).Figure 33.2.Apply grease to wheel or hub cavity so that it iseven with inside diameter of bearing cups.3.Assemble bearings and seal and adjust bearingsas directed elsewhere in this section.4.When bearing maintenance is performed on reardrive axle bearings, the procedures in oillubricated bearings can be used. It is importantthat the rear axle lube level be inspected sincethat lube also aids in lubricating the bearings.CTS-4148APage 14
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