ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC TEST PROCEDURESSection 6•CRANKCASE PRESSURE400 Series On-Highway(with Robert Bosch MW Pumps)FROM FORM NO. CGED-365CRANKCASE PRESSURE*11A.LATE MODEL TURBO WITH VALVE COVER MOUNTED BREATHER:1.Measure @ breather tube with orifice restrictor tool, SE-4039.2.Measure - High idle (no load) RPM.INSTRUMENTGUIDELINE DATA‚1st CHECK2nd CHECKWATER MANOMETEROR MAGNAHELICGAUGE*Engine must be at normal operating temperature.pRefer to "Performance Data Guidelines", in this Section.1.Measure crankcase pressure, using breatherrestrictor tool SE-4039, as follows: (See Figure 24).a.Park vehicle on level ground.b.Insure breather tube and element are free ofdirt.c.Insure engine oil level is not above full mark.d.Connect a line from the restrictor tool to a watermanometer or magnehelic gauge (SE2239).e.Run engine at high idle (no load) RPM.f.Test must be made with engine specified oiland water temperatures as shown in thePERFORMANCE DATA GUIDELINES, at theend of this section.g.Record crankcase pressure in 1st check box onForm CGED-365.h.Crankcase pressure guidelines are as follows:•T/DTI-466C . . . . .5.5 in. H20 (max.)IMPORTANTDO NOT PLUG THE BREATHER TUBEDURING THE CRANKCASE PRESSURE TESTAS RESTRICTING THE TUBE CAN CAUSECRANKSHAFT AND TURBOCHARGERSEALS TO LEAK.2.Excessive crankcase pressure with oil consumptiontrend data indicates:a.Badly worn or broken rings and/orb.Badly worn or scored cylinder sleeves.3.Review the recorded results of the crankcasepressure test. If there is any difference between theguideline data and the 1st check box, correct asnecessary and repeat the test.4.If results obtained during the above tests are withinguidelines, engine operation is satisfactory.Figure 24. Crankcase Pressure TestCG ES-240-4Printed in United States of AmericaPage 32
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