ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC TEST PROCEDURESSection 6•TEST INJECTION NOZZLES (Continued)3.Injection Nozzle Installationa.Thoroughly clean nozzle bore in cylinder headbefore reinserting nozzle holder assembly. Payparticular attention to seating surfaces, in orderthat no small particles or carbon will causeassembly to be cocked or permit blow-by ofcombustion gases. Don’t use hard or sharptools for cleaning. A round piece of brassproperly shaped or a round steel bristle brush ispermitted if used with care. Nozzle bores on6.9 Liter Diesel Engines should use NozzleSeat Cleaner (SE-4139).b.Install injection nozzle washer, seal and gasket(where applicable) on injector assembly. Usenew mounting gasket every time injector nozzleis removed.NOTE: Make sure old nozzle gasket is not left inbore.c.Install nozzle assembly carefully into its bore sothat nozzle tip does not strike against recesswall. Tighten to specified torque.*d.Install clamp, mounting bolt and attach highpressure tubing and leak-off lines, as required.Tighten to specified torque.** Refer to appropriate service manual.e.Operate engine and check for fuel orcombustion gas leakage.CGES-240-4Printed in United States of AmericaPage 36
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