ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC TEST PROCEDURESSection 6•TEST INJECTION NOZZLES- 400 Series On-Highway(with Robert Bosch MW Pumps)FROM FORM NO. CGED-365TEST INJECTION NOZZLES12A.SPRAY CONDITIONB.VALVE OPENING PRESSUREC.LEAKAGEINSTRUMENTGUIDELINE DATA‚1st CHECK2nd CHECKHAND TEST PUMP[NOZZLE TESTER](SE-2002)pRefer to "Performance Data Guidelines", in this section.This is a functional test of injection nozzle performance.Nozzles must be removed from the engine and tested forSPRAY CONDITION, VALVE OPENING PRESSUREand LEAKAGE.NOTE: If proper tools and facilities are not availableto test or repair nozzles, and nozzles are thesuspected problem; replace all nozzles with new orrenewed nozzles.IMPORTANTIN OUTLINING THE PROCEDURE FORINSPECTION OF INJECTION NOZZLES, THENECESSITY OF CLEANLINESS CANNOT BEOVER-EMPHASIZED. A CLEANWORKBENCH, CLEAN WASHING FLUID ANDCLEAN TOOLS ARE ALL ESSENTIAL TOPRODUCE SATISFACTORY RESULTS. THEUSE OF SUITABLE TOOLS FOR THIS TYPEOF WORK IS EQUALLY IMPORTANT.1.Injection Nozzle Removal:a.Detach high-pressure tubing and leak-off lines,covering their opening ends with plastic, cloth orpaper caps to protect against the entrance ofdirt.b.Remove mounting bolt and clamp, whereapplicable. Pull nozzle assembly from thecylinder head being careful not to strike the endof the nozzle against any hard surface. If theassembly seems to be stuck, break it loosefrom carbon deposits to facilitate removal.c.Cover nozzle openings with protector caps toprevent the entrance of dust. Also protectnozzle tip, with protective caps.d.Remove injector nozzle gasket from nozzlebore with suitable tool, discard and replace withnew gasket.CGES-240-4Printed in United States of AmericaPage 33
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