ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC TEST PROCEDURESSection 6•MEASURE SMOKE INTENSITY (Continued)10. Determine Bosch smoke number and compare withBosch number specified in Performance DataGuidelines.11. If smoke emission sample exceeds published limitcorrect as required.NOTE: Filter discs to be evaluated should show nosigns of water drops or soot spots. Avoid excessivehandling and particularly touching darkened surfaceas much as possible.Smoke Meter Maintenance1.Soot deposits must be periodically cleaned fromsampling hose and probe, depending on use andsmoke densities encountered. Detach samplinghose from pump by loosening knurled nut. Blowcompressed air through hose and probe.2.Periodically inspect for leakage around filterclamping surfaces:a.Remove shield from probe and seal off end andside holes with a short piece of tight-fitting hosewhich is plugged on one end.b.Insert and clamp a filter disc in place.c.Cock the pump and release in the normalmanner.d.Time plunger movement for its full stroke. Atime of 10 seconds or longer indicates filterclamping is satisfactory.3.Periodic inspection of pump seal:a.Insert and clamp a rubber disc in filter holder.b.Cock andrelease pump, making sure tomaintain pressure on rubber bulb. Noperceptible movement of pump piston indicatessatisfactory pump seal.4.Periodic pump cleaning.a.Abnormal force required to operate pumpindicates need for cleaning.b.Disassemble, clean, lubricate pump cylinder,reassemble and check for leaks.CHART C*Representation of:BACHARACHOIL BURNER SMOKE SCALEDEVELOPED IN COOPERATION WITHSHELL DEVELOPMENT COMPANYThis scale is based on a test flue gasvolume of 2250 cubic Inches per squareinch of filtering area, which is equivalent to6 full strokes for models RZB and RACTesters and 10 full strokes for ModelsRCC and RCC-BTesters. For motoroperated smoke meter see instructions forsampling period.This Scale Conforms to ASTM D 2156-63TSCALE No.Bahoroach Instrument Co.RR776Pittsburgh Pa., U.S.A.Made in U.S.A.*Chart C compares darkness of filter paper toRobert Bosch Smoke Number.CG ES-240-4Printed in United States of AmericaPage 41
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