ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC TEST PROCEDURESSection 6•MEASURE SMOKE INTENSITY (Continued)International®Smoke Nomograph for ServiceFor those service technicians utilizing other smoketesting methods, the International Harvester CompanySmoke Nomograph (Chart D) is used to convert theBosch No. (used by IH) to four other common smokescales.The five diesel smoke testing methods and scales are:1.The Robert Bosch Smoke Number:This number is determined by drawing .3 litre of smokeinto a cylinder. The smoke is drawn at a uniform ratethrough a filter paper. The darkness of the paperdetermines the Robert Bosch number. No adjustment isnecessary for stack size.2.The USPHS Number (United States Public HealthService):This number is determined by installing a device at theend of the exhaust stack. As smoke passes throughdevice, percent opacity is measured. The percentopacity will vary depending on stack size.3.Celeso Model 101:This number is determined similar to the USPHSnumber. It will also vary depending on the size of thestack.4.Hartridge Smoke Number:This number is determined by drawing a measuredamount of smoke into a cylinder. A light passing throughsmoke measures opacity of sample. No adjustment isnecessary for stack size.5.The Ringleman Rating:These are derived by viewing smoke from the stack andcomparing it to a standard. Naturally, these values willvary depending upon the observer, background and pointof observation.CGES-240-4Printed in United States of AmericaPage 42
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