ENGINE DIAGNOSTIC TEST PROCEDURESSection 6•INTAKE AND EXHAUST VALVE CLEARANCE- 400 Series On-Highway(with Robert Bosch MW Pumps)FROM FORM NO. CGED-365INTAKE AND EXHAUST VALVE CLEARANCE16ENGINE OFF -HOT OR COLDINSTRUMENTGUIDELINE DATA‚1st CHECK2nd CHECKFEELER GAUGEpRefer to "Performance Data Guidelines", in this section.-400 Series On-Highway and OEM(with AMBAC Model 100 andRobert Bosch MW Pumps)•INTAKE AND EXHAUST VALVECLEARANCE400 Series On-Highway withRobert Bosch MW PumpsAdjust valve lash as follows:1.Remove valve cover.2.Turn crankshaft until number one piston is oncompression stroke and timing pointer on front coveris in line with TDC mark (pin) on the pulley.NOTE: Insure number one piston is on compressionstroke by turning both push rods by hand todetermine that both valves are closed. Valves areclosed when push rods are loose and can be turnedeasily.3.Six valves are adjusted when No. 1 piston is at TDC(compression) and remaining six are adjusted whenNo. 6 piston is at TDC (compression). As depictedin Figure 31 odd numbered valves are intake valves;and even numbered valves are exhaust valves.4.Valve tappet clearance (lash) is specified in ValveLash Adjustment Chart.NOTE: All valves are adjusted by cranking theengine twice.When tightening head bolts, place a .005 in. Feelergauge between the outside brackets and the rockerlevels to prevent binding.DO NOT adjust valves with the engine running.Severe damage can result from inserting feelergauge between valve and valve lever due to closeclearance of valve to piston.5.Replace valve cover. Use new rubber rings undervalve cover bolt washers to avoid oil leaks at thispoint. Check that the valve cover gasket makes anoil tight seal with the cylinder head.Use a new gasket is necessary.CGES-240-4Printed In United States of AmericaPage 44
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