TM 5-3825-229-14&P4-12. CONTROL PANEL SWITCHES AND RELAYS (cont)c. TestingPowerSwitchandGlowPlugSwitch(cont).(5)Connect red test lead to lower terminal.(6)Toggle switch to lower position. Multimeter display should go to zero ohms, indicating continuity.(7)Toggle switch back to center position. Meter display should return to infinity (cc), indicating nocontinuity.(8)If test results are not the same as described above, the switch must be replaced.d. TestingStartSwitchandEngineRPMSwitch.Testing Start Switch and Engine RPM Switch(1)Prepare for switch testing as described in "Preliminary Testing Information" (para. "a" above).(2)Connect black test lead to left center terminal of switch. Connect red test lead to left topterminal.(3)Toggle switch to upper position. Multimeter display should go to zero ohms, indicatingcontinuity. Toggle switch back to center position. Meter display should return to infinity (oo),indicating no continuity.(4)Connect red test lead to left bottom terminal of switch.4-23
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