TM 5-3825-229-14&P4-33.RELAY VALVE (cont)a.Removal.(1)Tag and disconnect air lines (1) from relay valve (2).(2)Remove tee (3) from relay valve (2).(3)Remove relay valve (2) from rear air tanknipple (4) by turning entire valvecounterclockwise.b. Installation.(1)Install tee (3) on relay valve (2), usingTeflon tape.(2)Install relay valve (2) on air tank nipple (4)and secure by turning clockwise.(3)Connect air lines (1) to relay valve (2) andtee (3) per tagged identification.(4)Close drain valves.(5)Pressurize air system and test for leaks asfollows.c.Testing.(1)With brake system fully charged, closeshutoff valve in emergency line on towingvehicle. Disconnect emergency air hosecoupling. Make sure semitrailer brakesapply automatically. With relay valve in thisemergency position, coat exhaust port withsoapsuds.(2)Leakage tests must not exceed a one-inchbubble in three seconds. If excess leakageis found, replace relay valve.4-69
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