TM 5-3825-229-14&P4-51. FUEL FILTER AND FUEL LINES (cont)b.Installation.(1)Install retaining clips (2) on base (1).(2)Install filter base (1) on engine and secure with two screws (4) and flat washers (3).(3)Install filter (5) on base and secure with retaining clips (2). Inlet and outlet ports are stamped on thereverse of the filter. Be sure ports are matched.(4)Prime fuel system (para. 4-53).c.FuelFilterLines.(1)Removal.NOTEPlug or cap all fuel line ports after disconnecting fuel lines.This is required to prevent dirt or foreign matter fromentering fuel system.(a) Refer to para. 4-50 and disconnect fuel hosefrom tank and fuel line (1) at fuel transfer pump(12). Remove elbow (2) from fuel transferpump. Cap or plug fuel transfer pump inlet.(b) Disconnect fuel line (3) from elbow (6) and fromfuel filter. Remove sleeve (4) and nut (5).Remove elbow (6) from fuel transfer pump (12).Cap or plug transfer pump outlet and filter inlet.(c) Disconnect fuel line (7) from fuel injection pumpand from fuel filter. Remove sleeve (8), nut (9)and grommet (1 0). Cap or plug fuel filter outlet.(d) Remove adapter (I 1) from fuel injectionpump. Cap or plug injection pump inlet.4-107
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