TM 5-3825-229-14&P4-48. OIL FILTERTHISTASKCOVERS:a.RemovalEquipment Conditions:b.InstallationRefConditionsINITIALSETUP:4-46Engine crankcase drained and drainTools Required:plug installedNomenclature:Equipment/Materials Required:General MechanicalOil (Item 10, Appendix E)Tool KitRags (Item 6, Appendix E)aRemoval.(1) Place drain pan under oil filter element (1).(2) Remove and discard oil filter element (1).(3) Clean off filter mounting surface (2) thoroughly.b.Installation.(1) Make certain that gasket (3) is in filter element (1).(2) Apply thin film of clean oil to gasket (3).(3) Install filter element (1), spinning it down by hand until gasket just contacts mounting surface. Hand-tighten an additional1/4 to 3/4 turn. Do not overtighten.(4) Fill crankcase with correct type of oil (see para. 3-2).CAUTIONDo not start pump engine unless distributor pump is primed. Refer to para. 2-16 to prime pump.(5) Run engine. Check for oil leaks around filter element and drain plug.(6) Stop engine so that oil can drain down. Check oil level; oil level should be at FULL mark.4-102
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