TM 5-3825-229-14&P4-47. VALVE ADJUSTMENTTHISTASKCOVERS:AdjustmentINITIALSETUP:Equipment Condition:Tools Required:RefConditionsNomenclature:4-22Battery disconnectedGeneral Mechanics4-56Engine housing removedToo[ KitNOTEAllow engine to cool before adjusting valves.a.Remove cap nuts and gaskets (1), rocker arm cover(2) and rocker arm cover gasket (3).b.Remove cap plug (4) from flywheel housing toexpose timing pointer (5) and timing indicator (6).c.Hold START switch on remote control box in thestart position momentarily to "jog" engine untilnumber one (front) cylinder is on the compressionstroke and the 0° TDC mark on the flywheel lines upwith the timing indicator.NOTEWith the number one piston at TDC (top deadcenter), the crankshaft can be turned 90 in eitherdirection without the valves on number onecylinder opening. If. the valves open during thistest, the crankshaft must be turned one completerevolution (360) counterclockwise as viewed fromthe flywheel.CAUTIONPulling down rocker arm locknuts tight will causevalves to hit pistons when making valve clearanceadjustments, resulting in possible damage tocomponents.Adjusting Valve Lash4-100
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