TM 5-3895-370-14&P
Slowly move pump transmission control lever (13) forward (FWD) and run system at 50 GPM until suction is
heard at hose (1) and supply outlet port (3) connection.
Always use an assistant when disconnecting bituminous hoses that are hot or
filled with bituminous material or serious injury to personnel may result. Refer to
para 2-16 for the proper and safe procedure to disconnect bituminous hoses.
Place a suitable container beneath hose fittings before disconnecting to collect all
bituminous material. Contact your local environmental office or support
installation for proper disposal.
Place a suitable container under hose (1) and remove from supply outlet port (3).
Elevate and shake end of hose (1) to ensure that all material is transferred to storage tank.
After closing storage inlet port, immediately place pump transmission control lever
into neutral position or damage to pump may result.
Slowly close storage inlet port (6), then immediately place pump transmission control lever (13) in neutral
and bring pump rate to 0 GPM.
Remove hose (4) from storage tank. Drain hoses (1 and 4) into suitable container.
Distributor is now ready for next operation. Refer to Table of Contents (page 2-1) for desired procedures.