TM 5-4610-228-13
TM 08846A-13/1
a. 50 GPM Wheel Mounted Pump Assembly.
{1) Cut and remove steel bands securing shipping crate to frame assy.
(2) Carefuly remove shipping crate from 350 GPM pump.
(3) Store crate for reuse.
(4) Remove protective tape from filter intake, dust ejector, cooling air intake, exhaust spark arrestor,
dipstick, oil filler cap, breather tube, and oil pump sump filler.
b. 125 GPM Pump Assembly.
(1) Remove top of shipping crate.
(2) Remove 125 GPM pump assy from shipping crate.
(3) Remove overpack kit from shipping crate.
(4) Check equipment in overpack kit against the packing slip to see if the shipment is complete. Report
all discrepancies in accordance with instruction contained in DA PAM 738-750. Marine Corps users sub-
mit SF-364 in accordance with MCO 4430-3.
c. Hypochlorination Unit.
(1) Remove top of shipping crate.
(2) Remove Hypochlorination Unit from shipping crate.
(3) Remove top of plastic chlorine reservoir and remove manual and overpack kit.
(4) Check contents against packing slip to ensure all items are accounted for. Report all discrepancies in
accordance with instrucitons contained in DA PAM 738-750. Marine Corps users submit SF-364 in ac-
cordance with MCO 4430-3.
d. Hoses.
(1) Carefully remove top of shipping crate to avoid possibility of nails puncturing hose assys.
(2) Remove required number of hoses from shipping crate.
(3) Check hose assys against packing slip to ensure correct quantity was shipped. Report all discrepan-
cies in accordance with instructions contained in DA PAM 738-750. Marine Corps users submit SF-364
in accordance with MCO 4430-3.
e. Kits and GFE Equipment. Various kit and GFE equipment are contained in the five water distribution
(1) General. All equipment is preserved, packaged, and crated to meet military requirements. Each kit is
shipped with all attachments and equipment necessary for normal operation.
(2) Unloading Instructions. You may lift crated equipment by using a forklift, crane, or other lifting device
capable of lifting 600 pounds safely. If a crane is used, arrange slings under packing crate carefully to
ensure crate will not tip. If a fork lift is used, slide fork lift blades directly under crate between skid blocks.
(3) Uncrating. Carefully uncrate equipment, being sure not to damage components. If the equipment is to
be recrated, exercise care to prevent damage to crating material.
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