TM 10-3835-223-13&P2-10. OPERATION IN UNUSUAL WEATHER CONDITIONSCAUTIONDo not spray power pack with water. Remove power pack before cleaningframe unit.(1)If clean, fresh water is available, rinse off dust and dirt from frame unit. Pay particularattention to frame unit rollers, drive wheel, and hose reel bearing hubs. Wipe water fromhydraulic cylinder rod and allow frame unit to dry. Apply hydraulic oil to cylinder rod.(2) If clean fresh water is not available, wipe dust and dirt from hydraulic cylinder rod.Lubricate rod with a light coat of hydraulic oil. Wipe dust and dirt from drive wheel andpower pack quick disconnect couplings.c. OperationinSaltAirorSeaSpray.Salt spray and salt air greatly accelerate corrosion ofmetal surfaces. Salt must be removed from the equipment as quickly as possible.CAUTIONDo not spray power pack with water. Remove power pack before cleaningframe unit.(1) After hose deployment, clean frame unit with clean fresh water. Store empty frame unitsin a protected area away from salt spray. Wipe salt spray from power pack with a clothdampened in clean, fresh water.(2) During retrieval, rinse salt, sand, and dirt from hose with clean fresh water. Winding wet,salty hose onto hose reel can result in severe corrosion.(3) After operation, rinse off salt spray, dust and dirt from frame unit and hoses with cleanfresh water. Pay particular attention to frame unit rollers, drive wheel, hose reel bearinghubs and hydraulic cylinder rod. Wipe off excess water and allow frame unit to dry.(3) Apply a light coat of weapons oil, or similar lubricant, to all bare metal surfaces.(4)Shelter equipment from salt spray with canvas cover or similar materiald. OperationinFreezingWeather.When operating in freezing weather, observe the followingprecautions:WARNINGTo avoid frostbite in extremely cold weather, wear mitten/protective glovesduring operation. Change mittens/protective gloves immediately if they getw e t .(1) When not in use, shelter equipment from freezing rain and snow with canvas cover orsimilar material.(2) During operation, remove build up of ice from drive wheel, hose reel hubs, and brakes.Protect control cable switches from freezing rain and snow.2-31/(2-32Blank)
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