SERVICE MANUALGENERALSection 1assembly consists of a holder body, doweled nozzlespacer, lower spring seat, pressure adjusting spring,shims and a nozzle retaining nut.The holder body contains a high pressure tubingconnection at the upper end, a high pressure fuel duct, aleak-off duct and drain connection. The lower end iscounterbored to accept the pressure adjusting spring andshims. The lower face is lapped to a fine surface finishand contains two locating dowel pin holes. The lowerspring seat provides a seat for the spring and a contactsurface for the nozzle valve stem. The nozzle spacercontains two locating dowel pins which locate the nozzleradially to the holder body to insure proper spraypattern orientation. Both faces of the spacer are lappedto a fine surface finish to provide gasketless, highpressure seals between the holder body face, spacerfaces and nozzle body face. The spacer also acts as thenozzle valve stop. The cap nut clamps the nozzle andspacer to the holder body.Fuel flowing through the high pressure tubing enters thenozzle holder and flows down the high pressure duct,through the spacer duct and to the nozzle. The slightfuel leakage between the nozzle valve and body entersthe spring chamber in the holder body and flows througha return duct to a drain connection.PUMP SPECIFICATIONSInjection Pump TypeIn-Line PlungerPump SpeedOne-Half Engine SpeedPump Rotation (Viewed From Drive End)ClockwiseFiring Order1, 5, 3, 6,2, 4"Slider-to-Housing" Distance39.15 t 0.2 mm (1.54 .008 in.)Basic Setting of S-Plate21.5 ± 0.2 mm (.847 ± .008 in.)Camshaft Protrusion20.7 - 22.2 mm (.817 - .877 in.)'Axial End Play of Governor Weight Assembly.05 - .10 mm (.002 - .004)CGES-375Printed in United States of AmericaPage 7
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