SERVICE MANUALGENERALSection 1DISASSEMBLYSpecial ToolsTo overhaul the pump assembly, metric wrenches andsockets will be required. Special rebuild tools called outthroughout the text will speed repair and protect partsfrom damage. See Service Tool Chart (Section 1, Page8).PREPARATIONPump and governor repair should be performed in aclean area free from airborne dirt. A separate injectionroom is preferred. Work bench, vise and tools should beclean. The use of trays is recommended for keepinginjection pump parts in order. The pump assemblyshould be thoroughly cleaned before disassembly. Useonly clean solvent and clean filtered test oil to cleaninjection pump parts.Prepare the pump for disassembly as follows:1.Drain fuel and lubricating oil from pump andgovernor housings.2.Cap or plug fuel and lube oil openings after draining.3.Use clean diesel fuel or kerosene to clean exterior ofpump and governor assembly.4.Clamp holding fixture KDEP 2919/A (Figure 1) invise. Remove two pump housing to adapter bolts.Secure injection pump assembly to holding fixture.Figure 1. Injection Pump Mounted in Holding Fixture1.Holding Fixture KDEP 2919/A5.Remove fuel supply pump mounting bolts (Figure 2).Remove supply pump and drain lubricating oil into acontainer.6.Remove fuel return valve. Hold adapter in place witha 3/4 inch wrench while removing elbow and valvebody (Figure 3).Figure 2. Removing Fuel Supply Pump1.Fuel Supply Pump2.Mounting BoltsFigure 3. Fuel Return Valve Removal1Fuel Return Valve2.3/4 Inch WrenchCGES-375Printed in United States of AmericaPage 1
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