SERVICE MANUALGENERALSection 1The functions of the governor are:(1)limit minimum (lo-idle) engine speed, (2) limitmaximum engine speed and (3) maintain smooth speedcontrol (without stalling, surging or hunting) within thelimits of its regulation throughout the operating speedrange of the engine.The all-speed governor provides speed control at anyfixed position of the control lever (accelerator pedal).This provides the vehicle operator with the mostsatisfactory driving characteristics. The governor tendsto keep engine speed constant at the level determined byposition of the accelerator pedal and automaticallyincreases or reduces fuel delivery in response to minutechanges in engine speeds without a significant change inroad speed and without the operator changing position ofthe accelerator pedal.The transfer pump, a single action none positivedisplacement plunger type pump, is driven by theinjection pump camshaft.The transfer pump can supply more fuel than is requiredfor injection. Excess fuel, utilized for cooling injectionpump, is routed from the injection pump fuel gallery backto the fuel pump.NOZZLEThe American Bosch ADB-M type nozzles (Figure 8) areof the closed differential hydraulically-operated type.Fuel, under high pressure, flows into the fuel duct in thebody and enters the pressure chamber. When fuelpressure in the pressure chamber exerts sufficient forceon the differential area of the nozzle valve to overcomethe opposing spring preload, the nozzle valve is lifted,allowing fuel to enter the nozzle body sac and flowthrough the spray holes. The fuel flowing through thespray holes is atomized as it enters the combustionchamber.When the end of the pumping stroke occurs, there is asudden drop in line pressure. As a result, the pressurein the nozzle pressure chamber drops rapidly. Since thepressure adjusting spring is exerting a downward forceon the nozzle valve and is no longer being opposed byfuel pressure, the nozzle valve moves downward rapidlyuntil it seats in the nozzle body - the nozzle is nowclosed.Since there is a slight amount of clearance (controlled)between the nozzle valve and body, a small amount ofleakage between the valve and body will occur. Thisleakage is necessary for valve O.D. and body I.D.lubrication.NOZZLE HOLDERThe American Bosch AKN-M type nozzle holder (Figure8) is a unit which retains the nozzle in the cylinder headand transfers the fuel from the high pressure tubing tothe nozzle duct. The holderFigure 8. Exploded View of Fuel Injection Nozzle and Holder Assembly1.Holder Body5.Valve Stop Spacer2.Shim(s)6.Nozzle Body and Nozzle Valve3.Pressure Adjusting Spring7.Cap Nut4.Spring Seat Guide8.Copper GasketCGES-375Printed in United States of AmericaPage 6
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