TM 5-3825-229-14&P5-13. EXHAUST MANIFOLD (cont)b.Installation.(1)Install eight screws (1) and flat washers {2) on manifold (3).(2)Place two gaskets (4) and gasket (5) over screws on manifold.(3)Secure manifold (3) with screws (1) and flat washers (2). Torque screws, in two even steps,to 21 Ib-ft (28 Nm) (wet). Torque screws again after two hours of operation.(4)Install engine door. Refer to para. 4-56.(5)Install muffler. Refer to para. 4-55.5-14. INTAKE MANIFOLDTHISTASKCOVERS:a.Removalb.InstallationINITIALSETUP:Tools Required:Equipment Conditions:Nomenclature:Ref.ConditionsGeneral Mechanics2-14Engine shut offTool Kit4-56Engine door removed4-49Air hoses and indicator removed4-51High pressure fuel lines removed4-54Throttle control actuator removeda.Removal.(1)Remove eight screws (1) and flat washers (2) that secure manifold (3), throttle guidebracket (4), starter relay ground wire (5) and gasket (6) to cylinder block.(2)Remove intake manifold (3) and gasket (6).b.Installation.(1)Install throttle guide bracket (4), ground wire (5), screws (1) and flat washers (2)on manifold (3).(2)Place gasket (6) over screws on manifold.5-38
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