TM 5-3895-370-14&P
c. Installation.
Lubricate 12 valve tappets (1) with grease.
Drop installation tool through cylinder head into
trough and pull out trough.
Install installation tool in valve tappet (1) and
insert trough in camshaft bore.
Pull installation tool up inserting valve tappet (1)
into tappet bore.
Turn trough over until convex side of trough
rests against valve tappet (1).
Insert wooden dowel in valve tappet (1) and hold
dowel until adjacent valve tappet is installed.
Band adjacent dowels together.
Repeat steps (2) through (6) for remaining
eleven valve tappets (1).
Lubricate camshaft (2) lobes/journals and bores in block (3) with grease.
If removed, install key (4) in camshaft (2).
Install camshaft (2) 2/3 of the way in cylinder block (3) (leaving 1/3 outside of block).