The kilowatt (or horsepower) load on parallel alternators
is entirely a function of the driving source. Thus, to
increase the load demand on one generator set in a
parallel system, the governor speed setting of that
generator set must be increased.
Changing the voltage setting on one generator does not
change the kilowatt load division between generators.
This fact is often confusing, as observation of line
ammeters after a voltage level adjustment will indicate a
current increase, leading to the belief that one generator
has picked up "load." It has not. Instead, currents
circulating between generators have changed. The
panel ammeters indicate this change.
Paralleled alternators must operate at the same terminal
voltage since they are physically connected through the
paralleling bus. If internally generated voltages are not
exactly equal, one alternator will automatically supply an
exciting or magnetizing current to the other alternator to
raise its internally generated voltage. At the same time,
the second alternator will supply a current to the first,
which will lower the generated voltage of this unit. The
net result of circulating or "cross" current is equal
generated voltages.
This action is inherent and automatic. The amount of
circulating current flow is entirely a function of the
internal voltage generated by each of the several
alternators in the parallel system.
The amount and type of connected load also affects
internally generated voltage. Induction motors, for
example, will tend to lower the generated voltage
because the motors require magnetizing current in
addition to power producing current. The generator
which is trying to produce the higher generated voltage
will supply a proportionately greater share of the
magnetizing current not only to the motors but to other
generators on the bus.
When generators are run in parallel, a current sensing
system must be added to each voltage regulator. The
current sensing system samples the generator line
current not only in quantity but also in its phase (angular)
relation to the voltage. The current sensing or droop
system produces a voltage that adds to, or subtracts
from, the voltage sensed by the voltage regulating
system. (This accounts for the name often used:
Voltage Droop System.) The resultant regulating voltage
level (plus or minus droop voltage) causes the regulator
to adjust the alternator exciting current downward for
lowered generated voltage, or upward for increased
generated voltage. Within limits, the complete regulator
keeps individual generated voltages nearly equal and
amperes balanced.
In any alternator power system -- single or multiple -- the
system voltage level is established by the level of
generator excitation. When the system is supplying a
purely resistive load (unity power factor), generate
excitation is normally expected to come from the
individual generator exciters (static or rotary). If one
generator exciter in a parallel system is somewhat
deficient, the additional excitation will be supplied by
circulating currents from other generators on the bus.
When the system is supplying induction motors, a higher
exciting or magnetizing current is needed to provide the
magnetic forces in the motors. This motor excitation
subtracts from the total generator excitation driving the
generated voltage downward. All of the voltage
regulators in the system sense this decrease and
individually raise the excitation level and the generated
voltage of their respective generators.
If the voltage regulator action and resultant generator
performance are precisely uniform, each generator
magnetizing current. In practice this does not occur.
differences of current supplied. The voltage droop
system senses these currents (in amount and in phase
or power factor) and causes the voltage regulator to
react in the correct direction, raising or lowering the
individual excitation level. The result is controlled
division of total line current.
Droop systems will function correctly only if the current
sensing transformers of the several generators are all in
the same phase or line lead. (T-2 in Caterpillar SRCR
Generators, T-8 in SR 4 Generators.)
Droop systems are proportionate. This means that
droop system reaction is proportionate to the ampere
load on an individual generator set. Example: the total
kW load on the system is 150 kW at 0.8 P.F. One
generator is supplying 50 kW, and the other 100 kW.
The total kVA (187.5) should be proportioned with 62.5
kVA on the 50 kW unit, and 125 kVA on the 100 kW unit.
Indicated individual line amperes would also be
proportionate, with one third of the total current coming
from the 50 kW unit and two thirds of the load current
coming from the 100 kW unit.