Operating conditions as just described are not always
possible over the entire load range of the generators.
Electrical and mechanical variations in generators cause
a small difference in ampere or kVA division. Neither is
exactly proportionate to kW load division. The difference
shows up in the panel ammeter indications: the sum of
individual generator line currents exceeds the load
Acceptable levels of circulating current result if the
published procedures are followed for voltage level,
regulator gain, and voltage droop on SRCR and SR 4
generators. These adjustments are always made with
the generator at or near operating temperature. When a
"cold" unit is paralleled to the bus, circulating currents
may be noted. However, these will decrease as the
incoming generator reaches its operating temperature.
These currents are seldom cause for concern. Where
excessive circulating currents do exist, the cause is
generally found to be error in the adjustment procedure
or in operating procedure.
When different sizes of generators are used, or where
different types of voltage regulators are used, the best
adjustment results from using the actual plant load.
Voltage droop levels should be established from a
reference voltage level, and at a reference frequency.
It is generally desirable to have the same voltage droop
on all generators. This means that each generator
should reduce its voltage an equal amount (3% to 5%X)
between no-load and expected full load. Where different
size generators are involved, it may be impractical to
make the full load droop adjustment on the larger
generators. A close approximation can be made by
considering the droop system as a linear device. Select
a plant load equal to at least three-fourths of the smaller
generator capacity. Set the required droop on this
smaller unit (example 5%). Transfer-parallel this same
load to the larger generator and establish the reference
frequency. Set the droop proportionate to the capacity.
Example: 5% was set on the smaller unit with full load.
That load is one-half the larger generator capacity. Set
the droop on the larger generator at 2.5%. The resulting
adjustment will be quite adequate.
Operating errors can cause very high circulating
currents. These generally occur where indicating
instruments are limited to voltmeters and ammeters. It is
entirely possible to have one generator set absorbing
power from the system, and have the ammeters showing
"correct" currents. To avoid this, the operator should
always have the incoming generator set running slightly
fast, as shown by synchronizing light brilliance at 6 to 10
times per minute prior to closing the circuit breaker. This
will assure that the incoming generator supplies power
(kW) to the load at the time of breaker closure. Load is
then added to the incoming generator set by increasing
the setting of its governor control, or decreasing the
setting of the on-line generator set governor controls.
Operating refinements to regulator adjustment are easily
made on installations equipped with VAR meters, power
factor meters, or wattmeters and line ammeters. (If the
system includes only ammeters, regulator adjustments
must be made with a single unit on the line.) Where
power factor or VAR meters show equal indications,
each generator is supplying its share of the load current
reactive amperes, and circulating current between
generators is at a minimum. Example: load power factor
is 0.8. Generator No. 1 indicates 0.7 P.F. Generator
No. 2 indicates 0.85 P.F. These meter readings tell the
operator that Generator No. 1 is supplying too much
magnetizing current to the load, and possibly to
Generator No. 2. The magnetizing current of Generator
No. 1 can be reduced simply by lowering its voltage
level. Or, if desired, by raising the voltage level of
Generator No. 2, the operating power factors can be
equalized. Circulating current is then at a minimum.
Wattmeters and ammeters can provide the information
necessary to accomplish operating or on-line voltage
level adjustments.
Load kW 500, Load Line Amperes 750,
Voltage 480
Generator No. 1, Load kW 250,
Line Amperes 350
Generator No. 2, Load kW 250,
Line Amperes 450
These meter readings indicate that Generator No. 2 is
supplying more than its share of magnetizing current.
This is true because Generator No. 1 is operating at a
power factor of 0.86 which is higher than the load power
factor of 0.80, and generator No. 2 is operating at a
power factor of 0.67 which is lower than the load power
factor. Decreasing the voltage level setting of Generator
No. 2 will reduce its magnetizing current and increase
the power factor. At the same time the magnetizing
current from Generator No. 1 will increase, and its
power factor will decrease.
When loads are not equal, the calculated power factor of
each generator can be used