Fig. L.8.
Checking the Clearance between the Outer Rotor and
Oil Pump Body.
therefore if any parts require renewing a
replacement assembly should be fitted. It may
be worth mentioning at this point that low oil
pressure may not even be due to the oil pump,
reference to the page covering Fault Diagnosis
under the heading "Low Oil Pressure" may help
to isolate the cause.
To Assemble the Oil Pump
Fit the drive and driven rotors to the pump body
entering the chamfered end of the outer rotor to
the body first. Refit end plate using a new "O"
ring (where fitted). Secure the plate with the
three screws.
Refit the key in the keyway of the drive shaft and
refit the drive gear to the shaft. With earlier
pumps, the boss on the drive gear was
positioned towards the rear of the gear, the flat
face of the gear being towards the circlip groove.
The correct clearance for the gear was
0.003/0.007 in (0,08/0,18 mm) between the rear
face of the gear and the pump body.
With current pumps, the boss on the gear is
positioned on the front of the gear and the
correct clearance for the gear is 1.244/1.264 in
(31.60/32,11 mm) when measured from the front
face of the gear boss to the rear face of the
pump mounting flange.
Fig. L.9.
Checking Rotor End Clearance.
Fit the drive gear retaining circlip (where fitted).
To Refit the Oil Pump
Prime the oil pump with clean lubricating oil.
Fit the oil pump to No. 1 main bearing cap and
secure with the t three setscrews.
Refit the idler gear to the shaft with the recessed
face towards the front and secure with the
circlip. Check the idler gear end float which
should be within the tolerance of 0.002/0.016 in
(0,05/0,41 mm). Check the idler gear backlash
which should be within the limit of 0.00610.009
in (0,15/0,23 mm).
Using new joints refit timing case, timing gears,
timing case front cover and crankshaft pulley as
described in the appropriate section.
Refit the oil delivery pipe between the oil pump
and pressure relief valve housing.
Refit the suction pipe to the oil pump using a
new flange seal.
Fit the sump strainer to the pump suction pipe,
and using new joints, refit the sump to the
engine and secure with the retaining setscrews.
Refill the sump with clean oil of an approved