Excessive Use
Wrong kit installed; i.e., if
Install proper kit.
of Alcohol
a compressor receives its air
through the engine air cleaner
and a standard kit is installed
without check valve, it is pos-
sible for alcohol to be drawn
into the engine.
Leaky compressor unloaders
Replace compressor unload-
(supercharge and turbocharge
induction kits only). Leaky
unloaders can cause alcohol to
be "blown" into the engine in-
Evaporator is subjected to ex-
Relocate alcohol evapora-
cessive temperature (greater
than 490 C, 1200 F).
Check valve leaking or inop-
Replace necessary parts or
erative (Engine Air Cleaner
complete check valve.
Induction Kit only.)
Excessive system leakage
Check system leakage.
(causing compressor to be in
Leakage should not be
loaded compressing air cycle
greater than 2 psi in one
in excess of normal)
minute for single vehicles
or 3 psi in one minute for
tractor-trailer combinations
(with brakes released).
Choke fitting not used (super-
Install choke fitting at
charged and turbocharged in-
compressor inlet.
duction kits only).
Clogged air strainer (will
Clean or replace air
cause excessive intake vacuum)
strainer element.
(Standard Kit only.)
Deposit of Residue
Wrong alcohol being used
Use only pure methanol al-
in Valves from
cohol, Bendix-Westinghouse
"Air-Guard" or equivalent.
CTS-4079 - CHAPTER XIII - Page 8