TM 5-3825-229-14&P4-13. CONTROL PANEL INDICATORSTHISTASKCOVERS:a.Testingc.Installationb.RemovalINITIALSETUP:Equipment/Materials Required:Tools Required:Tags (Item 14, Appendix E)Nomenclature:Equipment Conditions:General MechanicsRefConditionsTool Kit4-22Battery cables disconnectedWARNINGElectrical shock hazard exists. Disconnect battery cables (para. 4-22).a. Testing.(1)Unscrew two screws (1) on right side ofpanel (2). Open panel (2).(2)Tag and remove wire(s) (3) from indicatorlight (4).(3)Connect battery jumper cables to positiveand negative battery terminals.(4)Touch other end of jumper cables toterminals of indicator light (4). If light hastwo terminals, touch one jumper cable toone terminal and the other jumper to theother terminal. If light has only oneterminal, touch one jumper cable to thatterminal and the other jumper to ground.If indicator light is good, bulb should glow.If light does not glow, replace bulb.(5)Test remaining indicator lights.(6)Close panel (2) and install two screws (1).4-29
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